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  5. Use Amzpecty Chrome Extension in Amazon

Use Amzpecty Chrome Extension in Amazon

Amzpecty can run on any of the following pages:

1. Amazon Product Page

When in the Amazon Product page, click the Amzpecty icon in browser to query.

2. Amazon Product Offer Listings Page

When in the Amazon Product Offer Listings page, click the Amzpecty icon in browser to query.

3. Amazon Search Results Page

Amzpecty will inject the Amzpecty icon into the search results page. Click the Amzpecty icon in page to query.

4. Amazon Merchant Storefront Page

Click the Amzpecty icon to inject Amzpecty icon on each product and initiate quantity query. See merchant quantity shown as pointed by the green arrow. You can also click the injected Amzpecty icon in page to perform a full quantity query.


Support for automatic Merchant Storefront Quantity Checker can be enabled and disabled in the Preference page

5. Seller Central Manage Inventory Page

Amzpecty will inject the Amzpecty icon on each product displayed on the Seller Central Manage Inventory page. Click the Amzpecty icon in page to query.

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