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Any limitations?

Amzpecty Extension Limitations

  1.     Maximum quantity Amzpecty can get is 999 even if the seller has more in stock.
  2.     If a product has purchase quantity limits in place, only the maximum allowed purchase quantity is what Amzpecty can get.
  3.     Some merchant store fronts(custom store fronts) are not supported. Automatic quantity query may not work.
  4.     Amzpecty is not able to provide information that is sold subscription based unless other sellers have quantity listed.
  5.     Product Snapshot will only show one seller with quantity summed up even if seller has multiple listings of different conditions.
  6.     Amazon Smile website is not supported.
  7.     Google Chrome below version 50 and running on Windows Vista and lower operating systems is not supported anymore.
  8.     Sponsored Products on the Amazon Search Results page is not supported.
  9.     Amzpecty is not able to query quantity for “Exclusively for Prime members” item/listing.
  10.     Only up to a maximum of 100 sellers per product can be retrieved.
  11.     Amzpecty is not able to query quantity for “RENTAL” offers.
  12.     Where there are delivery location restrictions, Amzpecty will only show offers from a US users view.

Amzpecty API Limitations

  1. Amzpecty API will not return Estimated Profit data for ASINs where package dimensions, unit weight and product category are undefined in Amazon listing.
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