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  4. Amzpecty API Specifications
  5. Change Log

Change Log

Version 2.3.2 September 13, 2022
  1. Updated Estimate Profit API for Amazon September 2022 Revenue Calculator Update
  • Added serviceaddons and peakstorage parameters to estimate profit query

Added the following fields

  • data.fba.fulfillmentFee
  • data.fba.peakSeasonStorage
  • data.fba.serviceAddons.baggingFee
  • data.fba.serviceAddons.inventoryPlacementFe
  • data.fba.serviceAddons.bubbleWrapFee
  • data.fba.serviceAddons.labelingFee
  • data.fba.serviceAddons.tapingFee
  • data.fba.serviceAddons.opaqueBaggingFee
Version 2.3.1 July 29, 2022
  1. Added AMZPECTY-USER-AGENT override for POST response
  2. Added pageNotFound, unavailable, and hasVariations flags
Version 2.3.0 May 26, 2022

Added Product Reviews API.

Version 2.2.1 March 17, 2022

Added Seller Asins API.

Version 2.2.0 March 8, 2022

Added Seller Info API.

Version 2.1.1 October 29, 2021

Added the following fields to the Asin Snapshot API result.

  • customerStarRating
  • customerReview
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